Rabu, 01 Maret 2017

Sentences , Subject and Verb {2}


  Sentences is the wording that expresses a complete idea/obivious that consists of subject and predicate. In a Sentences , there is always the predicate verb. So in the other words, can be said that the sentence must be arranged at least with their subject and verb .

The Four Sentence Structures

   A sentence can consist of a single clause or several clauses. When a sentence is a single clause, it is called a simple sentence (and the clause is called an independent clause . A sentence must contain at least one independent clause. Below are the four types of sentence structure (with their independent clauses shaded:
  •  A compelex sentence
    A complex sentence has an independent clause and at least one dependent clause . For Example : Though he got only small part in the movie, the actor was so happy.
  • . A compound sentence
    A compound sentence has at least two independent clauses. For Example : There was a meteor shower in space, but the crew did not know how to avoid the meteors.
  •  A simple sentence
    A simple sentence has just one independent clause. for example : I do not know about the latest gossip of many celebrities.


The subject of a sentence is a noun , a person , place, thing, idea, or felling. The subjcet often, but not always , comes at the beginning of the sentence . The subject can be more than one noun.

 The subject is always performing an action, doing something, being something, or feeling soomething . The subject of a sentence is the person or thing doing the action or being described. For example (subjects shaded):
  • Lee ate the pie.
  • (Lee is the subject of the sentence. Lee is the subject of the main verb ate; i.e., Lee is doing the action.)
  • Lee is putting on weight.
  • (Lee is the subject of the sentence. Lee is the subject of the main verb is; i.e., Lee is being described.)

The subject of a sentence is one of the basic parts of a  sentence . The other basic part is the predicate. The predicate tells us something about the subject (i.e., it tells us what action the subject is performing, or it describes the subject). Every sentence must have a verb, and every verb must have a subject.  

  • noun , noun is a word used to name people, objects, animals, places, and abstract concepts. For Example :  I was reading a magazine at home when the electricity went out
  • Pronoun , pronoun is a word used to replace the noun, noun phrases, noun clause, another pronoun, as well as other construction acting as a noun. for example : you should submit the report to your teacher immediately
  • Gerund , Gerund is a word formed from the verb with the added suffix -ing and functions as a noun . For example : The manager scolded the worker for removing some substantial data.
  • Infinitiveinfinitive is a verbal consisting of the particle to and the simple form of the verb (bare infinitive) which can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb . For example : His dreamto win the tender, has made him work harder.


   Verb are action words . Run and jump are verbs. Some actions are more subtle. Stay and wait are verbs. Even to be is a verb. Every sentence has at least one verb . There can be more than one.

  • Auxiliary Verb , Is a verb whose job is to help the main verb in a sentence. If the auxiliary verb is removed, it does not eliminate the basic substance of the sentence. Which included Auxiliary verb is Is, am, are, was, were, do, does, did, has, have, had, can, could, may, MIGHT, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to, had better . For example : You may take all your money on the bank every time via ATM.
  • Main verbis a verb of any kind (including linking verb) that is not an auxiliary verb. This verb is also known as full lexical verb or verb . For example : Water boils at 100 degrees Celcius .
  • Modals , is a form of words that help verbs. Capital must be paired with verbs. Therefore, the capital is also often called the verb dressing . for example : You Can Watch TV after doing your homework .

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