Sentences is the wording that expresses a complete idea/obivious that consists of subject and predicate. In a Sentences , there is always the predicate verb. So in the other words, can be said that the sentence must be arranged at least with their subject and verb .
The Four Sentence Structures
A sentence can consist of a single clause or several clauses. When a sentence is a single clause, it is called a simple sentence (and the clause is called an independent clause . A sentence must contain at least one independent clause. Below are the four types of sentence structure (with their independent clauses shaded:
- A compelex sentence
- A complex sentence has an independent clause and at least one dependent clause . For Example : Though he got only small part in the movie, the actor was so happy.
- . A compound sentence
- A compound sentence has at least two independent clauses. For Example : There was a meteor shower in space, but the crew did not know how to avoid the meteors.
- A simple sentence
- A simple sentence has just one independent clause. for example : I do not know about the latest gossip of many celebrities.
The subject is always performing an action, doing something, being something, or feeling soomething . The subject of a sentence is the person or thing doing the action or being described. For example (subjects shaded):
- Lee ate the pie. (Lee is the subject of the sentence. Lee is the subject of the main verb ate; i.e., Lee is doing the action.)
- Lee is putting on weight. (Lee is the subject of the sentence. Lee is the subject of the main verb is; i.e., Lee is being described.)
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