Sentences is the wording that expresses a complete idea/ obvious that consists of subject and predicate in a sentence (sentence) , there is always the predicate verb (verb). so in other words, can be said that the sentence (sntence) must be arragend at least with their subject and verb .
Sentences are nice little packages of word that come together to express complete thoughts . They make it easy to understand idea and learn information . On this page you're going to learn about simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences and compound-complex sentences .
The four sentence structures :
1. Simple sentences, A simple sentence ontains only one independent clause . An independent clause is a group of words (with a subject and verb) that expresses a complete thought .
2. Compound sentences
A compound sentence contains at least two independent clauses. These clauses are joined by a coordination conjuction is a word that glues words, phrases, or clauses together.
3. Complex sentences
A complex sentences contains subrodinateclause and an independent clause. A subordinate clause is a group of words that has a subject and verb but does not express a omplete thought.
4. Compound-Complex sentences
These are sort of like a mash-up compound sentences and complex sentences . They contain at least to independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause .
1. Simple sentences, A simple sentence ontains only one independent clause . An independent clause is a group of words (with a subject and verb) that expresses a complete thought .
2. Compound sentences
A compound sentence contains at least two independent clauses. These clauses are joined by a coordination conjuction is a word that glues words, phrases, or clauses together.
3. Complex sentences
A complex sentences contains subrodinateclause and an independent clause. A subordinate clause is a group of words that has a subject and verb but does not express a omplete thought.
4. Compound-Complex sentences
These are sort of like a mash-up compound sentences and complex sentences . They contain at least to independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause .
The subject of a sentence is a noun, a person, place, thing, idea, or feling. The subject often, but not always, comes at the beginning of the sentence . The subject can be more than one noun .The subject is always performing an action, doing something, being something, or feeling something.
In a sentence, every verb must have a subject . If the verb expresses action-like sneeze, jump, or bark, the subject is who or what does the verb. Example :
During his biology lab, Tommy danced on the table.
Danced is an action verb.
Verbs are action words. Run and jump are verbs . Some actions are more subtle . Stay and wait are verbs . Even to be is a verb every sentence has least one verb , There cana be more than one .
1 . Professional managers who may or may
not own part of the business operate
not own part of the business operate
mast verb
large business .
2 . The woker must have a fair wage for his s. Vlarge business .
labour and skills
3. The owner must receive a fair return on s. V
his investment
4. The businessman responsible for the s
operation of a business may own and operate it himself .
5. Or he may be employed by the owner to s. V
Operate in their behalf
6. The managers of our large corporations s.
as a rule do not own the
firm they manage nor dohey have ownership as a goal
7. He must attempt to achive goals that others establish
Absolutely amazing blog writing. Truly inspiring articles to read for the readers .Full credit to the author of the article .Very Happy I came across this blog with so much information on Compound Sentences .Wish you successful .