Sabtu, 25 Februari 2017

Sentences , subject , and verbs

Sentences is the wording that expresses a complete idea/ obvious that consists of subject and predicate in a sentence (sentence) , there is always the predicate verb (verb). so in other words, can be said that the sentence (sntence) must be arragend at least with their subject and verb .
Sentences are nice little packages of word that come together to express complete thoughts . They make it easy to understand idea and learn information . On this page you're going to learn about simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences and compound-complex sentences .

The four sentence structures :
1. Simple sentences, A simple sentence ontains only one independent clause . An independent clause is a group of words (with a subject and verb) that expresses a complete thought .
2. Compound sentences
A compound sentence contains at least two independent clauses. These clauses are joined by a coordination conjuction is a word that glues words, phrases, or clauses together.
3. Complex sentences
A complex sentences contains  subrodinateclause and an independent clause. A subordinate clause is a group of words that has a subject and verb but does not express a omplete thought.
4. Compound-Complex sentences
These are sort of like a mash-up compound sentences and complex sentences . They contain at least to independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause .


 The subject of a sentence is a noun, a person, place, thing, idea, or feling. The subject often, but not always, comes at the beginning of the sentence . The subject can be more than one noun .The subject is always performing an action, doing something, being something, or feeling something. 
In a sentence, every verb must have a subject . If the verb expresses action-like sneeze, jump, or bark, the subject is who or what does the verb. Example :

During his biology lab, Tommy danced on the table.

Danced is an action verb. 


Verbs are action words. Run and jump are verbs . Some actions are more subtle . Stay and wait are verbs . Even to be is a verb every sentence has least one verb , There cana be more than one .

Example Subject+Verbs : 
1 . Professional managers who may or may
 not own part of the business operate
mast                                                 verb
large business . 
 2 . The woker must have a fair wage for his                 s.                    V
labour and skills
3. The owner must receive a fair return on                     s.                      V
his investment 
4. The businessman  responsible for the                             s
operation of a business may own and operate it himself .
5. Or he may be employed by the owner to                                           s.                    V
Operate in their behalf
6. The managers of our large corporations                     s.
as a rule do not own the
  firm they manage nor dohey have ownership as a goal
7. He must attempt to achive goals that others establish