Minggu, 23 April 2017

About The Scholarship

Assalamualaikum guys , welcome to my blog , On monday 3 students alumni from UNTAN had the opportunity to share their stories about their scholarship to the United States. Which was present on monday yesterday that is Miss Runi from The Faculty of Economic and Miss Riska Suhandi from The Faculty of FKIF English majors . Here's my summary of Global Undergraduate exchange program :

                                                       Hasil gambar untuk global undergraduate exchange program

GLOBAL UNDERGRADUATE EXCHAGE PROGRAM (GLOBAL UGRAD), here I will give a little about the program of this scholarship that I heard from Miss.rani and Miss.riska. 
 Global Undergraduate exchange program is student exchange program to United States of America , sponsored by Us Departement of State's Breau of Education and Cultural Affairs (ECA) .
Implementation of exchange program conducted for on semester at one of the universities in the united states .
                                                    Hasil gambar untuk aminef

AMINEF is an instution that deals with the exchange of Indonesian-American students.
Student exchanges are conducted for one semester if IBT TOEFL value is high, and two semesters for which the IBT TOEFL value is low.

So through this program, students in various countries will exchange for one semester to one university in the United States for free (fully paid) and given books, pocket money, eat on campus and it's all free. We do not to think about any cost in following this Ugrad program. In this program was followed by about 250 students from all over the world. And we will get academic experience that is when we study there and non academic experience like a walk if we are good at managing our pocket money guys.
Obviously we may be more interested in this scholarship program and we want to know more about this program. Well Miss Runi and Miss Riska also provide more information about the program as :

A. Terms follow UGRAD (Indonesia):

  • Indonesian people
  • 18 years old
  • A maximum of 6 semesters 
  • Regular active students A
  • Actively organize or participate in social activities
  • TOEFL 500 

Why should follow the program ?
Because :
1. Fully-funded !!!
2. Followed by around 250 students from all over the world 
3. Opportunity to gain academic and non academic experience 
4. Developing your potential

                                             Hasil gambar untuk global undergraduate exchange program

B. Steps to get UGRAD:
  • Application: we will be directed to fill out the online form in web that is AMINEF, in the form there is an essay that we have to fill one of them like why we follow the program, organization or social activity what has been done, and when return to Indonesia what Which we will do. After filling out the form we send and we are just waiting for results if it passes then they will send an email to us. The opening of registration begins in early November to the end of December.
  • Interview: After graduation we will follow the interview in Jakarta (financed or free).
  • TOEFL IBT: reading, listening, speaking, writing

  • Medical Check Up: injected vaccine to keep the body immune
  • Visa Interview
  • Pre Depature Orientation: explains what we will do while in America
 C. What I Did?
  • Study
  • Volunteering
  • Teaching Practice
  • Travelling
  • The end program
D. After returning to Indonesia
What we do after returning to Indonesia is devotion such as developing the area of origin, sharing what we have gained during America, doing what our responsibilities we have expressed when first enrolling, sharing to junior about the GLOBAL UGRAD scholarship program.

Thank's for reading my blog ... Wa'allaikumsallam guys

Minggu, 26 Maret 2017


Earth's Suprise Neighbor 
Hints at Exoplanet Abundance

AROUND THE TIME Earth formed, a slightly larger world coalesced by a much different star. Our sun was a steady,bright-yellow dot in its neighbor's night sky,but the two stars-and likely their planets-evoled along much different paths. The other star was a red dwarf, dim and cool and prone to violent outbursts. It rained harsh radition onto its world's surface, and lit it with the soft orange hue of a perpetual sunset .
  That ruddy star was Proxima Centauri, our sun's nearest stellar neighbor, just 4.2 light-years away. The star's violent emissions long obscured the planet orbiting it. Thanks to a monthslong observing campaign, however, astronomers, deduced and finally confirmed the planet's existence in August. Dubbed Proxiam b,it sits smack in the middle of its star's habitable zone, where liquid surface water-and thus possibly life-could exist.
  Incredibly, the planet's ghostly signal was hidden in plain sight for decades. In 2014, the international collaboration of Pale Red Dot-named in homage to Carl Sagan,who described Earth as a Pale Blue Dot-banded together after astronomets noticed the periodic signal of a possible planet coming from the star every 11.2 days. 
  For months last year,the team kept a near-constant vigil on Proxima Centauri, looking for tiny wobbles caused by the pull of an orbiting planet. An analysis of this new data, as well as a simultaneous analysis of decades-old observations led to the planet's cofirmation, published in Nature.
  "You take the old data and the new data, and then the significance of the detection goes sky high-very, very significant," says Queen Mary University of London astronomer Guillem Anglada-Escude, who led the discovery team. The team had to be careful because these small  violent suns have fooled astronomers before. Red dwarfs, by far the most .abudant type of star in the galaxy,can create planet-like signals during their powerful flares. 

Main idea :

1. Paragrph one : 
AROUND THE TIME Earth formed, a slightly larger world coalesced by a much different star.

2.Paragrph two :
That ruddy star was Proxima Centauri, our sun's nearest stellar neighbor, just 4.2 light-years away.

3.Paragrph three :
 In 2014, the international collaboration of Pale Red Dot-named in homage to Carl Sagan,who described Earth as a Pale Blue Dot-banded together after astronomets noticed the periodic signal of a possible planet coming from the star every 11.2 days. 

4.Paragrph four :
For months last year,the team kept a near-constant vigil on Proxima Centauri, looking for tiny wobbles caused by the pull of an orbiting planet .

5.Paragrph five :
Red dwarfs, by far the most .abudant type of star in the galaxy,can create planet-like signals during their powerful flares.

Subject , verbs , and object

Around the time earth
A slightly larger world coalesced by a much different star.
Our sun
A  steady,bright-yellow dot in its neighbor's night sky,but the two stars-and likely their planets-evoled along much different paths.
The other star
a red dwarf, dim and cool and prone to violent outbursts
harsh radition onto its world's surface, and lit it with the soft orange hue of a perpetual sunset .
That ruddy star
Proxima Centauri, our sun's nearest stellar neighbor, just 4.2 light-years away. 
The star's violent emissions long
the planet orbiting it.
Thanks to a monthslong
campaign, however, astronomers, deduced and finally confirmed the planet's existence in August
smack in the middle of its star's habitable zone, where liquid surface water-and thus possibly life-could exist.
planet's ghostly signal
hidden in plain sight for decades
The team
to be careful because these small  violent suns have fooled astronomers before